diary entries from an artful life of an Indian aesthete | cultivating everyday beauty, sensuality, femininity and slowness in an urban jungle

This is a journal and letterdesk where I ruminate about slow living, conscious self care, femininity, art, cooking, pleasure, sensuality, books and more… And sometimes, my life’s work in fashion and textiles comes crawling in.

I still don’t know how to concisely articulate what this newsletter is about without sounding a little (or a lot) unhinged, but I’ll share what I am all about - and maybe you’ll sense what flows from me from there. Towards the end of this post, you will find a way to subscribe.

I am an aesthete, sensualist, sustainable fashion blogger & designer, writing from Bombay, India. I engage with the world through art, fashion, textiles and design in my creative pursuits, and I’m actively involved in and besotted with the artisanal, handcrafted luxury heritage of my motherland - India.

As a triple water sign Pisces Sun, Cancer Moon & Scorpio Rising, I love to live a slow, delicious life of almost always daydreaming and romanticizing everything. I practice slow living and being in my feminine energy more often than not, in most spheres of my life as a Venusian being.

My art, my work and my dreams are built upon a foundation of empowering artisanal Indian design heritage - beautiful things made by hand, in traditional systems of craft that have been nurtured in my culture for generations. These stories of Indian culture - where fashion, art, history and design intersect - shape my creative expression on my blog called Revive.Style, a good ol’ internet energy WordPress blog with How To style articles that started in 2016, and now grew into a magical shop of textiles and a thriving Instagram community that feels just like our title on this Substack.

I am an Emotional Manifesting Generator, as per my human design, and of course I’d be really bored if I talked about - or defined myself - with just one thing ever. I’ve been learning how to release myself from this compulsion to be contained within one niche, and taking up more space for all that I am. My Co-Star app, god bless it’s cute silly ways, says on my birth chart that I ‘exist on a chaotic plane of the divine that is not at all material’. I quite like that ;)

I love to cook, tend to my plants, read about astrology, and live an esoteric life of practicing witchcraft, living in tune with the moon cycles, and letting myself - little by little - be magically yin in a world that’s far too yang for our own good.

The north star of my life these days is cultivating beauty, at all levels. Maybe I, too, have a morbid longing for the picturesque at all costs. If you got that reference, I think you’ll like being subscribed to here.

Also, meet my cats.

Subscribe to circle dance around a bonfire

an artfully feminine slow life in one of the busiest cities of the world, alchemized into writing. this is a women's space for femmes, goddesses, moon rituals, uncoolness, frolicking, dancing, laughing, crying and metaphorical gardens of the psyche.


Aesthete, lover, Venusian, witch, moon-ruled, cat mother, textilephile, artist, designer, reader, writer, woman <3