More than everything id have to share on this topic!! Next time someone asks my stand or opinion, sending this article 💝

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I am so grateful that you shared it <3 I was deeply scared to write this (who's gonna cancel me and ghost me next?? lol), but there's a part of me who also felt deeply moved to express the way all of this has been making me feel. I feel inspired to un-paywall this and stand in it now that you said it.

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“It’s human to live in both awe and resentment for the duality inherent in all of life.” Yes! This!

This really sums it up. A lot can be traced back to our struggle to live with the paradoxes and polarities of life.

Everyone’s activism looks different. We can only focus on what we are doing and hope that most people are doing the best they can personally do given their circumstances.

I love that I can feel your energy so strongly in this piece ❤️‍🔥

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Thank you so much Jennae. That's really all a single human can do. The world has always been crumbling all around us, and we gotta make our tea anyway.

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Also love the duality of our feelings towards duality. Another spiralling paradox! 😂

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We can never un-paradox this life :')

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