Dear Oorja, your writing here so exquisitely stirred my soul, that I was called to read it all over again, even more slowly, after reading it the first time. I’m truly so, so moved and honoured to know how my words could, in their own little way, reflect the ever glowing pearls within you that were ready to birth in the form of the beautiful words that appear here.

I loved every word, and all the pictures you painted stirred such an emotional response in me too, especially this one –

“Flaming scarlet gulmohar flowers, leaves, twigs and branches were strewn about as though in a composition crafted by the winds.”

How breathtakingly beautiful! I hope to dream about this palette of colour and dance when I go to sleep tonight.

I also just love how you described walking on a beautifully wild and unkempt path after a freak summer storm and walking on the wet grass with pretty but non-water resistant sliders – I find myself living in cities with unpredictable weather and have often avoided wearing my pretty and colourful shoes that I love simply because I’m afraid of them no longer looking perfect, but that means they’ve spent almost all their lives sitting at home, never shining their colours out in the world. Reading your piece inspired me to start wearing those shoes out to meet nature’s elements anyway, and for some reason, resolving to do this makes me feel a little emotional.

And this story was so beautiful too –

“I saw the prettiest little weed, emerging quite flamboyantly from a mere crack between tiles, blossoming in little buds, spreading uninhibitedly wide, crawling along and romancing this park bench, making it beautiful by her mere presence. She grew there with “You’re welcome” energy.”

I actually spent some time looking at the photo trying to identify the weed because I couldn’t see anything that I thought was a weed, and when I realized it was actually that beautiful flowering next to the bench, it again struck something deep within me. How labels can sometimes conceal the true nature of something, when the uninhibited expression of life itself, in whatever form, is the embodiment of beauty.

I think all that you’ve written here and the way you’ve woven your words together represent for me the essence of the Juice of life.

These were just some of the heart stirrings that surfaced for me reading your words, that I wanted to share too. Thank you to your golden soul for the colours you’ve shone into my day today, and into how I choose to express life going forward :’) <3 <3

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"How labels can sometimes conceal the true nature of something, when the uninhibited expression of life itself, in whatever form, is the embodiment of beauty." I love this line so much, and I relate deeply. There are so many labels (think sl*t, "too much," and the like) that block me from my own uninhibited expression, and in moments like that, witnessing this in Nature is so healing. Like your original reflection stated, we look for the reminders we need, and maybe that's why I saw this flower <3 I am so grateful for how you have enriched this piece so much with your words and your sharing. Lots of love. I can't even begin to imagine how much it takes to weave together a kaleidoscope the way you did in that piece, it is truly admirable the way you tied all those worlds together and I am in awe of your mind.

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Thank you so much Oorja!! 🥹🌿🤍 I appreciate what you said so much. And it has personally been so expansive for me to witness your light, the ways you share the Juice of life and what you love, and just your beautiful self-expression in all her dazzling ways ✨✨ Keep shining and glowing because you remind us to do the same too 💕🌸

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Oh my goodness I am speechless, breathless and a melted puddle on the floor. This is so poetic and filled with poetry!! The imagery and the sensual aliveness of this piece is so so so so beautiful!!! I could feel every line in my body, like I was right there alongside you. I could feel the deep stirrings inside of emotion and thought and sensation that comes when a poet takes a walk out in the world. The reference to Suyin’s piece is also so gorgeous. I adore this Oorja, absolutely adore it!! 😌 ✨🌱🪻☁️

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I love you and love this share <3 I await the day we can actually take a walk together somewhere! I am also quite certain that where you live is 100x more beautiful so I await coming to your land hehehe. You have inspired me to write poetry so much more freely, and I did some hand-written poetry in my art book last night that I've been putting together into a doc to send you (I am sure our exchange is the most procrastinated of all in the whole group thanks to me lool). So grateful for how you've helped to un-closet my inner poet.

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Love youu!! Oh my gosh I would love that so much. It would be magical! I really want to come to your land too because I feel it is so sacred.

Aww I’m so glad that you’re writing poetry! I simply cannot wait to read it. Procrastination or maybe we are just drawing out the magic of working together?? ;)

I in turn feel like you inspired me to embrace my sensuality and venusian side!! ❤️❤️❤️

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Omg that magical weed! Breaking through the concrete tile and encircling/embracing that bench. And that call from Mother Nature to pause, observe, rest. It truly feels magical when it rains. I live in LA, so when it rains (a rare and special moment) I feel like cocooning even before it stops. And it's so beautiful after, the clouds are puffy, the sky is blue and everything has been awakened. Loved the pictures and the overall imagery, thank you for sharing such beautiful writing! 💖

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Thank you so much Joscelyne, and wow I never knew where you lived until now! LA is so wonderful and I am envious of just how many healthy cafes and woo-woo friends you must get to have ;) Tee hee.

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