Oooorjjaaaaaaa, omg. I am going through the exact same thing! I have written about this before as well — how much I loathe when someone asks me "what do I do?" because I haven't been "working" for nearly three years now. It's been such a trip to untangle my self-worth from work, money, and societal measures of "success", especially as I approach my late 20s (I'm nearly 27, Saturn Return vibes lol).

At the same time.... slowing down has been deeply healing. And I wonder if why people get so provoked by people not working traditional jobs or not working at all is it confronts all of our unconscious beliefs of what we're "supposed" to do. We don't have to live in the way we've been taught. And I feel like the more we live as ourselves, the more we tend to live in a differentiated, unique way that doesn't fit into any box or cookie-cutter template.

Anyways, thank you for sharing this beautiful piece! <3

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Oorja! This was so beautiful to read. I could feel the Venusian vibrations dripping from this entire piece - thank you for putting words to this and sharing how you live your life with such devotion. ❤️

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Oorja, this is one of the most gorgeously fierce, feminine and powerful responses I’ve ever encountered to this (age old, annoying) question. I absolutely loved reading every word, and it’s inspired and expanded me so much. Thank you for sharing this Venusian manifesto for all of us to call on! <3 <3 <3

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